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Who we are

We are ‘Clever Minds of Refugees’ (CMOR), a group of African refugees living in Europe founded in the year 2020 under Farafina Institute [link:] in Germany.

Farafina Institute (FI) was founded in 2012 as a think-tank and research institute by a group of African and European scholars. FI conducts policy-relevant research and implements sustainable projects on issues of wellbeing and governance in Africa and Europe. FI positions itself as an international platform for reflection, dialogue, exchange, and action on Africa.

The term ‘Clever Minds of Refugees’ (CMOR) originated from a mindset of the marginalized refugees. Our team is a creative group of positive-thinking migrants who believe in utilizing talents and art as vessels to spreading the message of hope, resilience, and survival despite all prevailing circumstances of life. CMOR was created to raise awareness on the journey of refugees to Europe and the reality of the life of refugees in Europe. We do this through creative media such as music, movie, storytelling, motivational speech, dancing etc. We use these media to reach out to our young African brothers and sisters in Africa and the Diaspora and other souls living under the planet of earth. We want to represent refugees regardless of where they are from and improve the situation of the refugee community – we are one, there is no separation or difference between us, we work with everyone´s perspective.

Successful Music Projects


R & B






CD plates

Our Engagements

So far, the group has produced a successful music project dubbed ‘Refugee Stories’ [link:] which contains different tracks, R&B, HIP HOP, and Reggae, two music Videos and 1000 copies of the CD plate, “Freiheit” by Wind-Jain Eagle entertainment. The project highlighted a true story of marginalization, enslavement and psychological depression at the refugee camp called Anker-zentrum Germany. The project was run through Farafina Institute.

This project challenged us to even venture into a bigger movie project – ‘Voice of Refugees’ [link:] developed by Destiny Joshua Nduka, supported by Nasir Jones, Lawey Rufus and Rita Anyidoho, Tony Agutu. The movie demonstrates the experiences of refugees from Africa along the journey to Europe and their living situation in Europe. We are all from different countries: Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, and Cameroon.